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5. p. 219 A Study on Improving Ejector Entrainment Performance in Hydrogen Supply Systems
Kyengryong Moon, Chungwon Seo, Seungju Lee, Hyunkyu Suh
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7467/KSAE.2025.33.3.219 |
6. p. 229 4D Imaging Radar-IMU Extrinsic Parameter Calibration Based on Reflector Mapping Distribution Minimization
Minseo Jung, Jiwon Seok, Soyeong Kim, Donggeun Lee, Kyungil Lim, Kichun Jo
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7467/KSAE.2025.33.3.229 |
7. p. 237 Optimal Design of Brake Pad Wear Measurement Sensor Shaft Based on Dynamic Kriging Surrogate Model
Jun-Yeong Jeong, Jung Joo Yoo, Kyung Seok Byun, Hyunkyoo Cho
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7467/KSAE.2025.33.3.237 |
8. p. 245 Study on Improving Fatigue Durability of P1+P2 TMED Damper System Using Experimental Design Method
Hyang-sun Sun, Jeong-mun Lee, Yu-chul Kim, Myung-jun Park
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7467/KSAE.2025.33.3.245 |